Sunday, November 19, 2006

Monday morning dread

A quieter morning after the stressful ones that have gone before. Just as well considering how tired we are. But an oddly stressful afternoon.

I had a quiet night at the spartan hospital accommodation. A large Indian, a couple of glasses of wine and bed. Actually, as this was my first alcohol of the year a more accurate picture is a large Indian, a couple glasses of wine in front of the TV and startled to wake up and find it was 3am. Didn't actually sleep that well. Kept waking up to check on the boy only to remember he was with the wife back in the bay.

Unfortunately, the wife didn't have such a good night with the boy. Despite not sleeping properly the previous night he didn't want to sleep last night either. He kept her up until 3am wanting nebuliser after nebuliser. When she tried to go to sleep he made a fuss crying and generally getting upset. So much so that they had to replace his cot with a bed so that he could sleep with Mummy. But even then he only slept in fits and starts. She looked very fraught this morning.

All the puffiness in the boy's face has gone. And he had a reasonable morning, playing with his toys. He did have a lunchtime nap but afterwards didn't look rested. He wouldn't settle to anything. Behaving in that over-tired don't want anything way that is the worst of two-year olds. And constantly changing his mind every 30 seconds. Even a visit from auntie with the pandas didn't change his mood. That he's chronically constipated from the anaesthetic and morphine doesn't help. A swollen stomach does nothing to help anyone's moods. His or ours.

Tomorrow brings the much-anticipated scan and hopefully the verdict on the surgery.


Blogger Unknown said...

Thomas was always on steroids after big surgeries and we'd joke about his "roid rage," but it was so frustrating. Hope Ctel settles soon and Mr. and Mrs. get some rest.

7:41 PM  
Blogger Ctelblog said...

Since I'm writing this late at night with the neb running, you can take it his sleeping pattern is still all over the place. It's like him going back to when he was tiny and him sleeping for a couple of hours and then being awake for 4-6 hours. He's currently lost his day/night sense.

2:09 PM  
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