Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year's Day

A good start to the year. First trip to the park since the operation.

After several days of rainy, stormy weather, New Year's Day was clear, bright and cheerful. Our neighbourhood is always a bit of a noisy place during festivals. The locals seem to compete as to who can buy the loudest fireworks - turns the area into a bit of a war zone. Last night was no exception.

But today was bright and quiet as the locals slept off their hangovers. I had a bit of lie-in and and then we went to the park - for the first time in a month. As has been the case since we returned from hospital, the boy was not at all keen to go outside. But after a brief struggle, some cajoling and a few epithets from me we got him in shoes, hat, gloves and coat and bundled him out of the house.

He was carried/went in the buggy on the way there. Once at the little animal enclosure he was sufficiently keen to see the rabbits and goats to get out and do a lot of walking around. Sometimes he even forgot himself and let go of Mummy's hand to totter after the animals. Was then happy to go to the cafe and get coffee. He watched some boys kicking a ball and wanted to join in. Remarkably, he was happy to kick his own ball and wander about.

A really positive trip out.

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