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The boy had a playful night. Awake for two hours. Luckily, he had a lie-in to compensate. And he was declared fit enough to go home. So home we went. I was not as pleased about it as you might expect. Just another set of hurdles to overcome. And the fear that it won't last.
He has been in the world's coldest cubicle (I exaggerate but not by much). This ward doesn't look as if it was originally designed for cubicles. The air con is very patchy. So some are very warm, others stifling and this one chilly. The boy even asked for a blanket. Most unusual, as he generally sleeps uncovered or with only a sheet.
We have had the pleasure of sampling a number of cubicles on the ward on our many visits. Perhaps the boy could write a column like restaurant critic Michael Winner - "Even though I arrive at 2am with little warning, the sister greeted me warmly. She showed me to cubicle 3 - the best in the ward. Thank goodness. Last time she claimed they were fully booked and had the temerity to ask if I would accept cubicle 4. How dare she. Everyone in the know understands that this horrid, hot cubicle next to the toilets is for the hoi polloi. She offers me milk with antibiotics as an amuse bouche. But frankly I've had better elsewhere."
The boy was awake for two hours in the early morning. Said he wanted to play. The nurse struggled to persuade him to go back to sleep. But at least he had a lie-in. Didn't quite make up for the sleep lost though.
He had a good morning, racing another boy round the ward, each in little cars. Good exercise. He was very good with the doctors (even gave the consultant a hug on Friday - she went quite pink) allowing them to check his chest. They pronounced him fit enough to go home. But we were in no rush, waiting for the wife to arrive. And it took ages to get his medicines delivered. So much stuff to pack. Got home mid-afternoon.
He was clearly tired by the time he got home. Not enough sleep. And too much excitement. He likes hospitals so much so that there was a moment when he said he wanted to stay.
I suppose I'm pleased he's back home. But, it was a lot of hassle to get everything organised, pack up and leave. Sounds dreadfully churlish, given it's birthday tomorrow and it is what we've been aiming for. But there you go. Tiredness ruins everthing. I've only energy to do as little as I absolutely have to. And there's the nagging fear as his secretions rocket after we arrived home that this is the precursor of another infection. Fear we'll be back in hospital soon enough. Our current record is 22hrs. I do hope we can do better than that.
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