Friday, December 22, 2006


Last day at work before Christmas. Thank goodness. Came home early to look after the boy whilst Mummy went out. Took him to auntie's house. He was happy to go but unable to walk more than a few yards. Had to be carried the rest of the way.

In some ways his secretions are better than they were, in that they are not running from his stoma. In other ways, he doesn't seem that much better than at the start of the week and his chest a bit worse. He has needed oxygen for the last couple of nights and his sleep pattern has become erratic. As is mine.

It all feels a bit much at the moment. Rather like being on a fast train. Stations going past but too fast to make sense of before the next station arrives. And there's no getting off the train until it stops - no emergency handle to be pulled.


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