Thursday, December 07, 2006

Half a world away

The boy has had a mixed day. No further evidence of surgery-related side effects. But he is weak and vulnerable, especially his chest. He is needing quite a lot of oxygen.

He had a quiet morning. Mostly awake and demanding constant nebs. Unwilling to raise his head, sit up or otherwise move. In the morning he had physio to help him loosen and cough up secretions on his chest. This seemed to work pretty well but wore him out.

In the afternoon he desatted (the oxygen in his blood went dangerously low) and we couldn't help him to improve. We had a rather tense hour or more when nothing was seeming to help. But he had more physio which helped again. This operation, so soon after the last one, has taken its toll. He needs quite a lot of oxygen to keep him stable.

We hope that he can remain stable overnight and be well enough for the brain scan. We hope this will take place tomorrow afternoon, provided that the anaesthetists pronounce him fit enough and there is a slot available. This is one time when we need him not to have one of his regular chest infections. In this state he could well end up in intensive if he does.

If he can get through the next thirty-six hours ok he ought to then start to make a slow recovery. But who knows what tomorrow will bring. As ever, we wait and hope.

The wife and I are looking pretty ropey. More bags than Tetleys. The two operations have taken their toll on us as well. It's the parents room again. Welcome as it is, it's not a great place to rest. Provided the boy lets us!