Monday, December 04, 2006

World in motion

Approaching op makes life tense.

Sweet moment yesterday. The boy tried to use the mobile phone. He wanted to speak to the pandas in America. The wife pretended to speak to chi chi's granny to find out how they were. The boy was so excited to be able to say hello. He told them that he wanted to give them and auntie a hug when they returned. And to make them a cup of tea. The wife was able to check that they were having enough bamboo to eat. But the tea in America was not very good and they would be home soon. He was happy to say goodbye.

Less good was mounting tension meant the wife and I had a falling out last night. It was over something trivial. But it spoilt the evening, ruined the possibility of a peaceful night's sleep and left us miserable. The hidden part of having a sick child is the strain it puts on our relationship.